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Accident & Health.

Protection for Your Employees and for Your Company.

Accidents and illnesses are part of the entrepreneurial risk. No matter how careful, attentive, and prudent employees are in their daily work – unfortunately, you cannot control these risks.
To cushion the often high financial costs and avoid dealing with the financial consequences of, for example, downtime, we provide individual advice on various options regarding company accident and sickness day benefit insurance. This way, your employees can focus on their recovery, and you can concentrate on your core business without the burden of such concerns.

Business Clients

Interested in a Non-binding Consultation on "Accident & Health"?

As a company, receive everything you desire and, most importantly, need in insurance from an experienced source. Callenium provides individual, transparent, and independent advice, offering solutions that align with your industry and specific risks. From occupational pension to business liability to cyber insurance – consult with us and secure a partner for the future who offers genuine service, not just products. If you’re interested in a non-binding consultation on “Accident & Health,” we are here to assist you.

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