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About us.

Be insured. Enjoy life.

Dynamic Family Business at the Pulse.

After nearly two decades, we, as impartial insurance advisors, know exactly what we can and cannot do. Understanding our clients, assessing their individual situations, offering appropriate solutions, and providing long-term support is our top priority. We don’t sell products; instead, we offer a transparent service that our clients can rely on 100% in every phase.

As an integral family business, we prioritize people. We set high standards for ourselves, our employees, and our partner network because we value ensuring that our clients feel secure, knowing they have Callenium as a strong, experienced, and honest partner at their side at all times.

An honest and transparent collaboration on equal terms is lived both internally and externally. Long-term and trusting relationships grow on this basis.

Company Values.


Our clients are always at the center with their needs and requirements. Optimal and completely transparent consultation is self-evident for us. We believe that expertise is the basis for customer satisfaction and long-term, successful customer relationships. Therefore, all our employees undergo regular training (market-relevant, contemporary, and personal). Quality, for us, also means acknowledging that we don’t claim to know and understand everything. Due to an extensive partner and expert network, we can offer solutions for every challenge that is genuinely needed and desired.


Honesty, one of the three most important characteristics of Callenium GmbH, is upheld across all levels, internally and externally. We only promise what we can hold 100%.
When faced with a challenge, we give our all to solve it in the best interest of our clients. At Callenium, it’s not about the volume of orders but the actual and tangible benefits for our clients. More human, less business: Our clients appreciate this focus and the honest, transparent, and especially people-oriented collaboration.


Years of experience in the industry enable us to offer services that clients genuinely need. At Callenium, neither the client nor our employees are just a number.
The person, with strengths but also fears and weaknesses that we take seriously, is at the center. Cohesion, fairness, trust, and communication at eye level are emphasized and are an integral part of our company DNA. Our clients should enjoy optimal advice and security in life, knowing that Callenium always represents their interests and not those of third parties.

Our clients have a single point of contact with Callenium for all matters related to insurance, finance, and retirement. In the background, our experienced advisors coordinate everything that concerns you as a private or business customer – always focused on quality, integrity, and family-oriented values. With us, you can rely on the fact that what is on the inside is also what’s on the outside:

Be insured. Enjoy life.

Milestones | Our Journey.

Since its founding to the present day, many years have passed, during which a lot has happened at Callenium. Here are some important milestones.


Raffaele Rivetti founds
Callenium GmbH.


Tania Rivetti joins
Callenium GmbH.


Mirco Rivetti joins
Callenium GmbH.


500 Visana basic insurance policies taken out in the canton of Thurgau and premium reactivated.


Between 2010 and 2017, all Eastern Switzerland regions were acquired.


The St. Gallen region
is taken over.


The Aargau region
is taken over.


The Appenzell region
is taken over.


New regions Zug, Lucerne, and Schwyz are taken over.


New regions Basel and Solothurn are taken over.


New regions Bern, Biel, Tessin, and Graubünden are taken over.


Between 2018 and 2020 expansion to all German-speaking areas of Switzerland


Collaboration with VVZ and in-house AFA training courses


New office opens in the canton of Zug (Cham). IAF in-house internal training is now also offered.


New office opens in the canton of Zurich (Rüti)


New office opens in the canton of Graubünden (Roveredo)


New office opens in the canton of Ticino (Manno).

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